About us
Galidi specializes in locating potential natural sites for fish farming in consideration of the environmental conditions and the requirements of the local markets.
The company holds a great deal of knowledge in all topics related to fish culture: spawning, weaning, feeding and harvesting, as well as the processing and packaging of the harvest, the provision of Fry and Juvenile fish, harvesting equipment, daily maintenance and fish health.

Founder and CEO
Since 1971, Ofer Berzak has been involved in all areas of fish-culture - fingerling production and raising, feeding, fattening, coordinating equipment for fish transport, and processing and marketing of fish.
From 1978-until 1981 - Ofer was involved in training and instruction of fish farmers in one of the biggest Israeli district in fish production, approximately half of the country's fish. He was one of the founders of the “Dag Shean fish-processing plant”.
In 1981, Ofer initiated and managed a project for Cachama and Tilapia fish production in Venezuela, for 3 years, after which the local farmers took over, and he went back to Israel to manage a fish farm for another year in Kibbutz Geva, where he was born and raised.
In 1985 and for the next 3 years, Ofer took over the General management of the kibbutz, including agriculture farms, plants and factories.
In 1989 Ofer returned to Venezuela for 4 more years to expand the Cachama, Tilapia and multiple-sizes of prawns’ cultivation project.

Who we are
Ofer Berzak- Founder and CEO
Galidi Company was established in 1991.
After returning from Venezuela in 1993, Ofer managed/consulted for four fish farms in Bet Shean Valley of Israel until 2005.
Occasionally during the next 5 years, Ofer travelled to Ecuador, where his company, Galidi, participated in planning and consulting in a fish project, which at the time produced 10,000 tons of Tilapia annually.
2019 – Today - Planning projects of Restocking enhancement –
Sea fish in the Mediterranean Sea.
Populating lakes with fish:
Titicaca (Peru Bolivia.)
Hydarkul. (Uzbekistan).
Lake Victoria and surrounding lakes (Africa)
Nicaragua and Managua (Nicaragua)
Issykul (Kyrgyzstan).
Fish instead of chemicals - Exporting ecological fish to Spain and Kenya.
Development and production of fish
Tilapias in sea water.
Sini Parca in China and Israel
Endemic fish in Titicaca.
2016 – 2019 - China – Establishing RAS project for Chinese Fish – Sini Perca and developing appropriate feed for this fish.Raising fish and introducing quality fish to Israel from Europe.Director of aquaculture fish In “Dag Tag” and Gilboa water Association.
From March 2014 and up to this day Ofer and the rest of Galidi’s team, are determined to continue consulting and planning of fish projects in Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South America. The projects focus on different methods and techniques of fish farming: fish ponds and cages, large and small lakes in which fish grow in low density with no additional industrial feed, fish cleaning ponds instead of chemicals (the “green solution”), as well as increasing the levels of Omega 3 in the fish.
In 2009- Ofer took a partial break and returned to General Management of Kibbutz Geva for the next 5 years. During this time he was also a director and a consultant at Kibbutz Tirat Zvi Fish Farm and at Gilboa Fish Partnership.
A year earlier in 2007, Galidi and the supporting team have made detailed plans for a new project in Kazakhstan- populating 3 big lakes: Balhash, Chadara and Aral with 4 types of Carp and the desired Sudak. The project has not yet been executed.
Back home Ofer remained an active consultant of Kibbutz Yizreel ornamental and commercial fish-farm.
2005-2006- Galidi participated in establishment and management of the fish-marketing company “Degei Yam Carmel” (Carmel Sea Fish) in Kibbutz Maagan Michael. The company distributes both fresh and salt water fish, such as Sea Bass, Corvina and Tilapia.
From 2003 to 2009, along with Kibbutz Alonim and the French company “Valorex”, Galidi conducted experiments of increasing Omega 3 in fish: Tilapia, Pangasius and Carp, to make them richer and healthier for food. The experiments took place in Israel, Costa Rica and Vietnam.
In 2002, Ofer travelled to Tudakul, Uzbekistan- to start a project combined of 2 methods:
1. growing fish in ponds- to produce fingerlings of 4 types of carp.
2. in the big lake of Tudakul (22,000 Hectare)- raising fish with no feed- to market size. One type of fish grown in the lake is the “Sudak”, a predator fish that has a high demand in the country, which now reproduces on its own. The Project is running up to this day.
From 1997 to 2005, - Galidi took part in developing and managing an ornamental fish farm in Kibbutz Kfar-Rupin and Kibbutz Gan-Shmuel, specializing in gold fish-type "Koi".
Galidi is not operating alone, but with a team of professionals with great knowledge and experience:
Isaac Bejarano Ph.D – Microbiologist.
Education: B.Sc. M.Sc. and Ph.D – Hebrew University, Faculty of Biology and
Microbial Ecology, respectively.
Fields of interest: Fish pathology, water quality and fish health management.
Experience: Directing the Central Fish Health Laboratory of the fisheries Department, the Ministry of Agriculture, Israel (25 Years). Agricultural attach _in the Embassy of Israel,in Kazakhstan [Mashav – USID (2 years)].
Gissis Ahikam – Fish Breeding. Ms.C – Hormonal control of fish reproduction Tel Aviv University Israel. CEO of Hamaapil Fish Hatchery Israel. Years of experience in Projects planning, extension and farm management.
Feldlite Moti – Water Quality. Bs.C – Geology, Ms.C – Water & Soil Sciences, Managerof the Water Quality Dept., Israel Water Works Association, Manager of the Water and Soil Dept., Ruppin School of Engineers. 16 years of practical experience in Managing fish farms and extension.