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Omega 3 / Omega 6

Enriching fish meat with Omega 3 Fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for humans, because our body cannot synthesize them and because they play essential physiologic roles. The main role of omega 3 fatty acids is in preventing serious conditions and diseases including: Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, Obesity, Insulin resistance, Diabetes, Arthritis, Depression, Alzheimer’s disease and more. In the past humans were able to gain those essential fatty acids from regular food such as milk, meat and eggs, since animal ate varied sources of omega 3 and their products naturally contain those fatty acids. Now days there are hardly any source of omega 3 in animal feed so as a result in our food there is a very low level of the omega 3 fatty acids. In addition the reduction in the omega 3 fatty acids caused imbalance between the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.  

Fish, in general, are considered as a nutritional source of omega 3. From the laboratory tests that were conducted by the Fish Farmers Association in Israel, we can learn that there is a big difference between the kinds of fish.

Omega 3 in Tilapia and Carp

 The level of omega 3 fatty acids in Carp and Tilapia fish is very low. Since those are very popular fish we think that enriching them in omega 3 fatty acids has a nutritional importance

Our companies: Galidi, that specializes in consultation and project planning for fish farming, together with Alonim Importing and Marketing, that specializes in enriching food in omega 3 fatty acids, have examined the possibility of enriching Tilapia and Carp, that are commonly  grown in Israel  .

We made several experiments checking how an addition of extruded linseed (Valomega 160) to the fish diet affects the fish performances and the level of omega 3 fatty acids in muscular tissues.

The experiments were conducted during 2004-2005, in the Unit of Intensive Fish Farming in Ginossar, sponsored by the Department of Fishing and Water Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Israel. This is a world known experimental unit. 

The results, first of all, show that the percentage of the omega 3 fatty acids in 120 days is multiplied by two. Also, the level of the omega 6 verses the level of omega 3 fatty acids in the meat is as  low as possible.

The results show that our special extruded linseed (unique type of linseed and specialextrusion process) makes the fish gain the omega 3 fatty acids quickly and efficiently.

They also show that we can add this extruded linseed to the fish feed just 3-4 months before the actual marketing of the fish, and still get the expected results as mentioned above.

Moreover, the daily growth of the fish was not affected since the regular level of fishmeal in the fish feed was not changed.

The Experiment:

Tilapia fish

Before adding the vegetal source of omega 3 to the fish feed

% Omega 3 fatty acids from all fatty acids in the meat : 3.5%

Omega 3 : Omega 6 Ratio in the meat: 1 :  6.8

After adding the vegetal source of omega 3 to the fish feed (after 4 months)

% Omega 3 fatty acids from all fatty acids in the meat: 7.4%

Omega 3 : Omega 6 Ratio in the meat: 1 :  2.6

Carp fish

Before adding the vegetal source of omega 3 to the fish feed

% Omega 3 fatty acids from all fatty acids in the meat: 3.15%

Omega 3 : Omega 6 Ratio in the meat: 1 :  1.68

After adding vegetal source of omega 3 to the fish feed (after 2 months)

% Omega 3 fatty acids from all fatty acids in the meat: 4.9%

Omega 3 : Omega 6 Ratio in the meat: 1 :  1.39

0mega 3 Trial in Carp summer 2007

During summer 2007 we conducted a trial in the Unit of Intensive Fish Farming in Ginossar, sponsored by the Department of Fishing and Water Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Israel.

Extruded linseed, produced by Valorex company (Valomega 160), was added during 90 days to the carp feed. We used 6 plastic ponds 300 cubic meters each (3 for control groups and 3 for experiment groups). 3-4 fish in cubic meter, around 1100 fish in each pond. The carp weight in the beginning of the trial was around 900 grams and around 1500 grams in the end.   

The fatty acid profiles are reported on the following table:

Total ω3 fatty acids

CONTROL D0 :3.52%    CONTROL D90: 3.08%

TRIAL D0:         3.52%    TRIAL D90::        4.23%

Omega 3: Omega 6

CONTROL D0 :1: 4.8   CONTROL D90: 1 : 6.3

TRIAL D0:        1 : 4.8          TRIAL D90:: 1 : 4.4

From the laboratory results we can see that the omega 3 level increased significantly, the omega 3: omega 6 ratios improved; all this without any negative effect on the daily growth of the carp.

Omega 3 Trial in Tilapia March – August  2009  

During March – August 2009 we conducted a trial in Tilapia fish farm in Costa-Rica. The farm produces around 20,000 tons of fresh tilapia every year. The fish are exported mainly to the USA in filets.

Extruded linseed, produced by Valorex Company (Omega BLE BBC), also called OmegaFish, was added during 3 months to the Tilapia feed before marketing stage. The main goal of this trial was to examine the use of the Extruded linseed in commercialfeed and growth conditions.

We used 4 ponds (around 40,000 fish per pond)  – 2 ponds in super intensive growth (80 fish in a square meter) and 2 ponds in semi intensive growth (around 2 fish in a square meter).

The tilapia weight in the beginning of the trial was 450-650 grams and around 1000 gram in the end.  

Total ω3 fatty acids composition (mg/100 g)

D0:                         105.2

CONTROL D100: 68.8

TRIAL D100:         221

Omega 3: Omega 6

D0: 1 :                    3.52

CONTROL D100: 1 : 4.7

TRIAL D10:           1 : 2.6

OmegaFish diet greatly increased the total omega 3 content in the fish meat.  OmegaFish reduced the omega 3: omega 6 ratio, to the French ANC recommendation. The daily growth of the fish was not affected and no difference was detected between the groups.

Omega 3 Trial in Pangasius

Pangasius is a required fish in Europe, U.S.A and Russia. The main production of this fish in the world is in Vietnam in the Mekong River. The Pangasius is a vegetarian fish, with tasty white meat, without bones, and therefore suitable also for children. The original omega 3 level in the meat is low.

Total production in Vietnam during 2008 is expected to reach 1,000,000 tons; 500,000 tons from the production will be exported to Europe, U.S.A and Russia.

Because of the increasing consumption of the Pangasius fish all over the world, and the importance of the fish quality, there is a unique importance in increasing the omega 3 level in this fish.

In April 2009, NUTRI ADVANCE FEED & INGREDIENTS Company with guidance of Dr Michel Guillaume in cooperation with Galidi Company, and Valorex Company, conducted a trial in commercial Pangasius fish farm in Vietnam.

During 70 days   special extruded linseed (unique type of linseed and specialextrusion process) was added to the fish feed. The linseed replaced part of the fishmeal in the feed.

The fatty acid profiles are reported on the following table:

Total ω3 fatty acids

CONTROL D70: 0.85%

TRIAL D70:         2.23%

Total ω6 fatty acids

CONTROL D70: 9.90%

TRIAL D70:         3.68%

Total Omega 3 in 100 gram fish meal

CONTROL D70: 0.056 gram

TRIAL D70:         0.236 gram

From the laboratory results we can see that the omega 3 level increased by 4.2 fold.

n-3 PUFA Fortification of High n-6 PUFA Farmed Tilapia with Linseed Could Significantly Increase Dietary Contribution and Support Nutritional Expectations of Fish

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009

omega 3 table report


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