Published Work
Hatchery International , February 2024
As conflict persists in Israel and Palestine, fish farming becomes increasingly difficult
Hatchery International August 2023
The Mediterranean Parliament hopes to restore fish populations that have declined and return the populations to the point where they can sustain regular harvests is a field of study that I promote worldwide.
January 2017
The model is based on populating of various types of fish in low density, determined by local conditions: water temperature, existent types of fish, water exchange and quality of the water and bottom of the Reservoir.
Intrafish, August 2014
"Israeli aquaculture expert Ofer Berzak.. believes he has a way to raise fish while decreasing feed usage and costs..."
"Fish biological control of the Israeli national water carrier and dual purpose reservoirs : The Israeli concept..."
Fishfarming International, February 2007
"...a successful project in which omega 3 derived from linseed was used to boost the omega 3 levels in two species with low omega 3... this method answers the worldwide trend of healthy food..."
fish farming international, July 2006
“..AN ISRAELI consultant company has helped an Uzbekistan community farm fish without incurring the cost of feed by using a natural reservoir for cultivation instead of man-built ponds…’enables us to breed fish at much lower costs than with conventional methods’… the possibility of rearing fish in large quantities and without additional feed using nature’s infrastructure…”
Fish Farming International, August 2001
"Thirty years of fish farming experience make me believe that the Tilapia is the ideal fish species to grow worldwide." Says Ofer Berzak, president of the Israeli aquaculture projects and consulting company, Galidi Corporation Ltd… This intensive system is suitable for almost every fish species.. the advantages of his intensive water circulation project: "It enables us to seed a large amount of fingerlings in a very small area; saves a lot of water.. and gives an excellent control of the production process..”
El Carabobeno, Nov 1991, Venezuela
“El agua, el terreno, la temperatura, la infraestructura basica, su ubicacion y el costo de la energia y la mano de obra condicionan esta preferencia.. Venezuela tambien cuenta con elementos excelentes para comercializar con especies que aun no posee, como el Pargo rosado y el Pavon..”
Fish Farming International, 1986
“One of the most interesting success stories…When in Israel the (Venezuelan) minister saw some of the country’s many fish farms…asked if an expert.. could travel to Venezuela.. Ofer Berzak.. He learnt that one of the choice fish.. is called Cachama.. ‘Conditions, he added, are ideal for aquaculture’..”
El Carabobeno, 1984
“En lagunas artificiales y galpones de reproduccion se cosechan anualmente 200 mil kilogramos de Cachamas, lisas y camarones.. ‘Estamos ofreciendo al pais proteinas baratas.. La ventaja de nuestro producto -agrega- es que llega fresco al publico todos los dias y es un pescado fresco de verdad..’ “